Murray Reservoir Fishing Report

Murray Reservoir - Unity, OR (Baker County)

by Murray Reservoir Staff

The bass bite continues to be at its best. The fish are about 15 to 20 feet deep and are hanging right above the brush. 4 and 6 inch purple plastic worms are producing the best bites. One float tuber reported 2 bass in Alvarado Bay dragging a 6 inch purple Manns. Both fish were released. The panfish are biting in the arms using red worms and wax worms.

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Murray Reservoir Fishing Report
Murray Reservoir

The lake is up and the water temperature is 71 degrees. There are Largemouth bass biting everywhere in the lake....... Read More

Murray Reservoir Fishing Report
Murray Reservoir
The bass bite is holding its own. A few nice sized bass were caught this weekend. Gavilan Walters from San Diego caught a 5 pounder fishing shiners on the fishing pier. The water is a whopping 74.5 degrees and the fish are very active. One report came in sayinc they were deep in San Carlos cove against the tules catching 1 to 2Ib bluegill using wax worms. No catfish were reported this week. ...... Read More