The Angler???s Catch

by Bill Roecker
(619) 223-5414

Chris Dunn's trip aboard the American Angler with the Turner's Rod & Reel Club ended at Fisherman's Landing September 27. The boat docked at Pt. Loma's neighboring landing because of the high volume of traffic on Saturday morning. Skipper Brian Kiyohara supervised the unloading, as the fish were weighed aboard the boat at sea. Chartermaster for the trip was Rich Jenkins.

Martha Bummer of La Crescenta won the jackpot for her 66.5-pound yellowfin tuna. She said it bit on a sardine and a 4/0 Eagle Claw hook tied to 50-pound Seaguar fluorocarbon leader and 80-pound Line One Spectra. She used a TLD 30 reel and a Calstar 700 H rod.

Randy Rich of Temecula won second place for his 47.5-pound yellowtail and Bill Randall won third place for a 39.2-pound yellowfin tuna.

Slack Current, Tuna Still Biting

"The beat goes on," read the Royal Polaris report for September 23. "Hello everyone, things at Alijos are looking good....... Read More