Thief Valley Reservoir is now full

Thief Valley Reservoir

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff

Thief Valley Reservoir is now full. The reservoir drained significantly last year, and there may not be many fish that survived through the fall and winter. However, the reservoir has recently been stocked with rainbow trout. Fishing will probably be best over the next couple months before the reservoir drops again due to increasing water releases in the spring and summer.

There was a recent report of observations of dead trout at Thief Valley Reservoir. However, ODFW district fish staff were unable to observe any dead fish when they investigated the report.

Follow this link to see the Bureau of Reclamation website listing current reservoir levels.

OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Tuesday, May 10th, 2022
Sheridan Pond: ODFW to host family fishing event at Sheridan Pond May 14
Columbia River: States set 2022 Columbia River summer/fall salmon and steelhead seasons