We have seen a very good variety of bugs present on the river

Truckee River

by Trout Creek Outfitters
(530) 563-5119

We have seen a very good variety of bugs present on the river and fly selection can at times be overwhelming. With the abundance of options, we recommend using a ‘seine’ when first stepping into the river to see what bugs are most present where you’re fishing. Flipping rocks works as well but it doesn’t necessarily show what’s actually in the drift and the what the fish are seeing come downstream.

The last time we were on the Truckee we saw Green Drakes, March Browns, Caddis, PMD’s, BWO’s, Yellow Sallies, Skwalas and Golden Stones among others, and what the river lacks in dry fly hatches it makes up for in abundance in food found subsurface. So stick with nymphing using either an indicator or a euro set up for now. The fish have begun to move into faster water more consistently now and less effort should be put on the tailouts and slow deep water found in pools and instead focus more on the riffles, pocket water, and tops of pools for best results. Mid-mornings have seemed to be the best window for fishing as of late and getting an early start will be increasingly beneficial in the coming weeks. With the continued cool weather and water temps, anglers are still finding some nice fish on streamers, especially those willing to ride it out until dark and take advantage of these long days.

If you would like to go fishing with us please check out our website Trout Creek Outfitters.com or call (530) 563-5119.

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