Oak Creek was stocked with rainbow trout last week

Oak Creek - Sedona, AZ (Coconino County)

by Arizona Game & Fish Department

Access to Oak Creek is open, this is the peak time of year for recreationists. Oak Creek was stocked with rainbow trout last week. Anglers may want to target the early morning hours and weekdays to avoid the crowds. Anglers are catching brown trout, rainbow trout, and a few Gila trout from Sedona upstream. Campgrounds are open. Hopper, caddisfly, mayfly, Dobsonfly (Hellgrammite), and midge patterns should produce well. Inline spinners like Joe’s flies and Panther Martins will also work well. Monsoon runoff may dirty the water a bit, so fishing with big dark-colored (black, brown, olive) flies and lures with vibration like inline spinners should increase angler success.

Fish Consumption Advisory for Flathead Catfish
Patagonia Lake

We are issuing a Fish Consumption Advisory for Flathead Catfish caught from Patagonia Lake State Park in Santa Cruz County...... Read More