The bite remains pretty spread out throughout the day

Pyramid Lake - Sutcliffe, NV (Washoe County)

by Trout Creek Outfitters
(530) 563-5119

While the bite out here remains steady, we wouldn’t say its been red hot. Typically the top months for winter fishing will be the months of February and March, as this is when shore anglers will typically run into the largest fish this lake has to offer, regularly weighing over 20 pounds. As for now, the average reports have been 3-5 fish days with a good number in the 10-pound range, certainly still nothing to shake a stick at and well worth the pilgrimage out here.

The best fishing has been under the bobber using balanced leeches, with the top colors being anything in black or olive fished at a depth of 6-10 feet. The strip bite remains spotty for now, but should pick up as we come into January. Regardless, we recommend carrying both a 7-8 weight switch rod rigged with the indicator as well as the 8-9 weight single hand rod with a fast sinking line and streamers to mix up your presentations throughout the day and break up the often monotonous “bobber staring”.

The bite remains pretty spread out throughout the day as well as throughout most beaches, with fish being caught throughout most of the day and being found along any beach with a decent drop off of 6 feet or greater. We recommend avoiding beaches with the gradual transitions such as windless, nets, and monument as these will typically fish better in the spring when fish transition to shallower water during pre-spawn behavior. On the south end of the lake we continue to get good reports at Popcorn, Sandhole and Wino, and up north, Spider and Warrior have been fishing well, again, due to the steep drop off found here. 

If you would like to go fishing with us please check out our website Trout Creek or call (530) 563-5119.

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