Next week the Crooked is going to be back in shape

Crooked River - Prineville, OR

by The Fly Fishers Place

The Crooked River is still way higher below Bowman Dam than you’d want to try any fishing yet. 1845 cfs as of this writing on 1/13/25. Above the reservoir is 600 cfs and dropping. 
My guess is by the weekend or sometime next week the Crooked is going to be back in shape. 
We will watch it.

More Reports

The Fly Fishers Place Reports
for Monday, January 13th

Metolius River: The Metolius has been fishing quite well
Fall River: The Fall River is going to be a great bet this week

“New” Hatch Alert
Metolius River

Our friend Don came into the shop this evening wearing waders (always a good sign) and said there were a...... Read More