First Trip, Albie

by Bill Roecker
(619) 221-8500

John Conniff ended a Braid charter with Jan Howard as chartermistress August 2, when he docked his Islander at Fisherman's Landing.

"We fished about 160 miles south, on kelp paddies," he remarked, "in 69-degree water.

Ken Briscoe of Carson City won the jackpot for a 28.6-pound albacore. He said he got it with a sardine on a 2/0 Gamakatsu hook. He used 25-pound Big Game line on a Trinidad 16 reel and a Sabre seven-foot rod.

Glenn (Ken's brother) Briscoe of Winnetka was second, for a 28-pound yellowtail, and he was tied by Peter Combs of Woodland Hills, who got a 28-pound yellowtail.

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