Trinity River Fish Report 10-27-07

Trinity River - Douglas City, CA

by The Fly Shop

General Information: Lots of fish...lots of people. The fishing on the Trinity has been unbelievable, there are so many fish moving through the system from the North Fork all the way up to Lewiston. The down side to the great fishing...everyone seems to know. Fortunately, everyone's catching fish and as long as you don't go there expecting solitude you should have a great day.

Fishing Conditions & Hatches: Flows are at 450 cfs, and the Fly Fishing Only Section is now closed. The river below this remains open and there are increasing numbers of sea run browns and steelhead starting to show with the largest concentrations of fish still in the lower sections.

?Ģ Yellow Humpies #12-16
?Ģ Elk Hair Caddis (Olive or tan) #14-16
?Ģ Parachute Adams #12-16
?Ģ Red Copper John #14-16
?Ģ San Juan Worms; #14-16
?Ģ GB Prince Nymph #14-16
?Ģ GB Pheasant Tail Nymph #14-18

The Fly Shop's Tips: ??If you like to fish alone, we'd recommend steering clear of the Trinity during October and November. The steelhead fishing will most likely be great, but you can expect to see lots of anglers, both wading and drifting. Fortunately, the cold winter months of December, January, and February, will send most of the fair-weather anglers home, leaving the river (and it's wild winter-run steelhead) to the die-hards.

More Reports

The Fly Shop Reports
for Saturday, October 27th, 2007
Sacramento River: Lower Sacramento River Fish Report 10-27-07
Sacramento River: Upper Sacramento River Fish Report 10-27-07
Pit River: Pit River Fish Report 10-27-07