Low and Starting to Clear

Smith River - Smith River, CA (Del Norte County)

by Kenny Priest

Similar to the Chetco, the Smith is low and starting to clear according to guide Mike Coopman. “We could definitely use a little shot of rain to add some color, but I have no complaints on the fishing. There’s plenty of fish around and we’re catching them from the top to the bottom,” Coopman said.

Kenny Priest operates Fishing the North Coast, a fishing guide service out of Humboldt specializing in salmon and steelhead. Find it on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and www.fishingthenorthcoast.com. For up-to-date fishing reports and North Coast river information, email kenny@fishingthenorthcoast.com.

More Reports

Fishing the North Coast Reports
for Thursday, February 11th, 2016

: Humboldt rivers turning green
Chetco River: Chetco is low and clear

Fishing the North Coast Reports
for Wednesday, February 3rd, 2016

: Green rivers on the horizon
Eel River: Eell Should be Ready Soon
Van Duzen River: Van Duzen Fish Report
Mad River: Mad River will turn Green Soon
Trinity River: Good Above North Fork