Utah Fish Report
Owens River - Section 3 - Upper (above Crowley) Fish Report for 2-14-2016
Owens River - Section 3 - Upper (above Crowley) Fish Report for 2-14-2016
Crowley Steelhead Good
Owens River - Section 3 - Upper (above Crowley) - Eastern Sierra, CA (Mono County)

by Tom Loe
DISCLAIMER. I must formally warn you that the fish we are currently catching on the Upper Owens are “highly addictive” and may cause behavioral issues when not fishing for them-even for short durations. I have started a local chapter called “snow bows anonymous” S.B.A for short. Give us a call if you experience severe mood swings, or depression when around water that does not have trophy rainbow trout swimming in it. We can provide relief for those of you experiencing Upper Owens withdrawal syndrome. The bizarre weather pattern that has settled in this February is forecast to remain for a while. It truly feels more like April here as of late. Most of the snow is completely gone, and access has improved. Fishing for Crowley Steelhead has been very good; with double digit days on twenty inchers common. The warming water temps have allowed the migratory rainbows to stage up on the gravel beds in short water. Scouting out a section of river to spot where the fish are holding is wise. During colder periods the fish move back into the pools seeking the insulation properties that deeper water provides. Water flows have dropped, and even the sections below Hot Creeks inlets have good water clarity. First generation BWO’s, & small midges are triggering feeding activity from the resident trout on the warmer days. Most popular attractor patterns will get you looks from the bigs. SJ worms, crystal Vanderleeches, crystal soft eggs, Assassins, and Agent Orange patterns have got us into them while nymphing below an Under-cator. Size 16/18 adult Blue Winged Olive patterns, & small parachute midges will replicate the hatches. Flashback pheasant tails, & Assassins are spot on replicas for the nymph stage of this cold water mayfly. Use #18-22 gillies, crystal chironomid pupa, broken back midges, crystal tiger, & zebra midges for nymphs that imitate midge larva or emergers. Caddis larva are present on the stream bed pumice rocks now. Olive crystal caddis imitations can be a good call for the resident fish grubbing the bottom during warmer periods. Parachute adult midges will get you looks when the fish are feeding on the “clusters” late afternoons. Please don’t squeeze the egg laden hens near the belly. That will cause the roe to discharge prematurely. Look for oval depressions that appear brighter, or scraped clean on the riffles below pools. These are active spawning nests; or “redds” and you must avoid stepping on them.
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Owens River - Gorge: BWO Hatch on Warmer Days

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