First Trip of the Year

San Francisco Bay - San Francisco, CA

by Mike Rescino
(650) 619-6629

Today 2/21/16 we ran a 1/2 day trip with 9 anglers and caught striped bass, leopard sharks and 1 shaker sturgeon. Most of the fish today were shakers and we also had lots of bites. We have room next Saturday the 27th and Sunday the 28th for a full day HALIBUT/bass trip. Call Capt. Mike to get a spot 650-619-6629

The Lovely Martha is slipped up in San Francisco's Fisherman's Wharf. If you would like to go fishing on the Lovely Martha please call Mike Rescino at (650) 619-6629. If you would like any additional information please visit the Lovely Martha's WEBSITE.

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San Francisco Bay Halibt / Striped Bass Report

Captain Mike Rescino called in a report today from the Lovely Martha out of San Francisco’s Fisherman’s Wharf. Today...... Read More