Montezume Slough Sturgeon

Montezuma Slough - Benicia, CA (Solano County)

by Gotcha Bait and Tackle
(925) 706-7400

The Sturgeon fishing have fishing has been ok. The main River channels have been muddy. Shrimp is still a nightmare to find. Anglers have been catching Sturgeon at the West end of Montezuma Slough using a combo Salmon Roe/Night Crawler.

More Reports

Gotcha Bait and Tackle Reports
for Thursday, March 17th, 2016
Discovery Bay: Disco Bay Slow
Frank's Tract SRA: OK

Gotcha Bait and Tackle Reports
for Thursday, February 25th, 2016
Broad Slough: Broad Slough Sturgeon
Antioch Oakley Shoreline Pier: Stripers at the Pier