Eldorado Reports It Is Slow Going

by TJ Schlick
(424) 2-ELDO-85

Capt TJ checked in from the Eldorado to report that they changed things up on are on a full day trip, we got some bad information on the hot spot and it turned out to be a cold spot. We are currently making a move around Catalina Island and have managed some Calico Bass and assorted rockfish. We just are not getting any of the exotic types for our bags, we will check back in again later.

The Eldorado is currently running trips out of Long Beach Sportfishing. Call (424) 2-ELDO-85 to get in on the action or BOOK ONLINE. For more information please visit our website at www.eldoradosportfishing.com.

More Reports

Eldorado Sportfishing Reports
for Sunday, May 29th, 2016
: Eldorado Morning Report
: Mid-day Check
: Eldo San Clemente Check

Eldorado gets 162 Yellowtail
Capt TJ checked in from the Eldorado checked in as they are returning home and reported that they had a very good day. We started at the islands but the Navy had different ideas and we had to leave the area. We then headed into to beach and found an area that wanted to bite and ended the day with 161 Yellowtail, 98 Calico Bass and 25 Whitefish and 1 mysterious Sargo. The weather is nice and...... Read More