Utah Fish Report
Sacramento Delta Fish Report for 6-24-2016
Sacramento Delta Fish Report for 6-24-2016
Delta Fish Report
Sacramento Delta
by California Delta Chambers & Visitors Bureau
Striped bass fishing has slowed down with most heading downstream into the salty waters of the bay. Presently, there are a good number of undersized fish in the system, up to an occasional 20 to 24 inches in the mix for those willing to put in the time.The big fish of the week was a rare 20 pounder taken on bait off Decker Island. Sturgeon still lurking off the Mothball Fleet and the Pittsburg PG&E plant. Eel strips and salmon roe provides the best action. Largemouth bass is best on the San Joaquin River side of the Delta, especially in the back sloughs where the best action is coming off of artificial baits such as crank baits and spinner baits. The typical smallmouth bass on the Old Sacramento River above Walnut Grove where anglers are tossing wacky-rigged plastics along the rocky shoreline to hook 12 to 18 inch smallies. The American shad have pretty much taken a hike, but a few are still in the Freeport area taken drop-shotted grubs. The best shad action is still best on the American and Feather Rivers early and late in the day.
More Reports
California Delta Chambers & Visitors Bureau Reports
for Tuesday, June 21st, 2016: Ocean Update
California Delta Chambers & Visitors Bureau Reports
for Monday, June 20th, 2016San Joaquin River: San Joaquin Bass Update
American River: American River Shad Update
Feather River: Feather River Shad
San Francisco Bay: SF Bay Report

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