Utah Fish Report
Fish Report for 1-25-2008
Fish Report for 1-25-2008
Red Rooster III Fish Report 01-25-2008
by Andy Cates
(619) 224-3857
We had a little more wind today then the past couple of days, 15-18 knots and it made for tougher fishing conditions. The sign of tuna was good in the morning however it was pretty reluctant to bite, we had a very good show on the good grade fish up until 1400 hours when it all but it disappeared. Eleven tuna and thirty wahoo for the day, the Yellowfin ranged from 100 to 168 pounds.
Billy Casper Jr. caught the 168 using a Mustad 3/0 Hoodlum Ringed hook on a Super Seeker 6470 H rod and Avet two speed reel. The big heart break of the day was a fish right at two-hundred pounds that was one pull from gaff, the mono to fluorocarbon knot broke. The angler on that very tough fish was Carol Thompson who was using a 3/0 Mustad Hoodlum hook as well and the hook never failed, a 3/0 hook is rather small for this big gear but we have not had a problem so far and I'm sure it helped us get bit in this scratchy fishing condition today.
We are going to give this another day and hope this tuna starts to respond to what we are offering a little bit better, we will let you know how it works out tomorrow.
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Red Rooster III Fish Report 01-24-2008
We started our trip out with pretty good tuna fishing yesterday on 35-50 pound tuna with a 130 and a 170 pounder being the big fish of the day. Weather was very nice and the sign of fish pretty good. Today the grade of fish improved, we landed 19 tuna 100 to 130 pounds and four other fish going 160,180,197 and a 200 pounds. Weather once again was very pleasant with 12-15 knots of wind and partly overcast skies, forecast...... Read More
Red Rooster III Fish Report 01-22-2008
We spent our last day of travel getting the finishing touches done to our tuna gear and rigging wahoo tackle for the fishing day's ahead, our weather continues to be expellant. The lucky winners of our raffle today where Carol Thompson - Accurate Twin Drag Boss Magnum Reel, Bill Bransletter - Avet Pro-EX 30/ 2 SPEED REEL, Mike Thompson - Seeker Rod Blank, David Vanvoorhis - Cal Star Rod Blank, Glenn Kerr - 50% off Five Star Fishy Processing. Thanks...... Read More

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