Fish Report for 4-21-2008
DAD A Happy Situation

by Bill Roecker
The crowds who came onto the lot at the San Diego Landings Sunday had some nice spring sunny weather and a multitude of things to see, hear, smell, taste and touch. I was there early, leaving at ten-thirty to write up the latest boat arrivals, but things were shaping up for a good family-style Sunday outing.
A lot of people were out in the sweet early morning, chatting, smiling, strolling around with friends and family. If you were there early, parking wasn't much of a problem, but that can change, on a nice spring day at the waterfront.
Fine fishing art, food vendors, tackle galore, open house on the San Diego sport boats, plenty of feisty mackerel in the kid's fishing pen at H&M Landing; what more could you want?
Rod, reel and line manufacturers and reps came to demo their latest products and accessories. Seeker, Swifty Manufacturing, Blackwater, Penn, Shimano, Avet, Calstar and Accurate were among them. Fisherman's Landing had about half the tackle store outside, on sale.
More than a few worthy causes like Make A Wish, Friends of Rollo, and the International Game Fish Association had booths at Day at the Docks.
If you just wanted to buy a new rod and reel, this was your day. A dozen tackle sellers were running special deals just for the holiday.
There was brand-new stuff on display, too, like the new complete spinning outfits from Accurate, new Fin-Nor reels from Quantum, new Spectra from Blackwater and two new Super Seeker long rods shown by company president Joe Pfister.
The Log Newspaper and Western Outdoor News had stands up, and people were selling a gazillion t-shirts, jewelry, used tackle, clothing, jerky and hot dogs. The US Coast Guard and the California State Highway Patrol, Parker Boats and Hobie Kayaks were represented.
It's too bad if you missed it. The 29th Day at the Docks celebration offered a lot of entertainment, and knowledge, if you wanted to see the various seminars, lectures and knot-tying sessions. There aren't very many things in life enjoyed by so many people of all ages, with so many interests, and of so many persuasions.
Nice to hear some good news, isn't it? And here's more: Monday, April 21, is free kid's fishing day on the boats of the San Diego Sportfishing fleet, if the kid is with a paying adult. Now all we need is some biting fish.
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