
by H&M Landing
(619) 222-1144

100+ Yellowtail on board the Old Glory! They departed last night (Friday 4/21) for a 1-1/2 Day trip. We look forward to their final report! Trips departing daily! Book yours today! (619) 222- 1144 The Daiwa Pacific is scheduled to depart tonight at 9pm, they have 65 Yellowtail so far!

H&M is the West Coast’s most established sportfishing landing providing Offshore adventures since 1935. Call (619) 222-1144 or reserve online at

More Reports

Upcomimg Yellowtail/Tuna trips...
We have a little room still on trips departing Friday evening for 1-day. 1-1/2 day and two-days. These trips are targeting Yellowtail and Bluefin tuna. Passports required on the two day trip, but not on the other trips. Call 619-222-1144 or go to to make reservations!...... Read More

Bluefin Tuna
There was great Bluefin fishing for some of the fleet today. It's looking better than recent days. Good rockfishing on the 1/2 day trips locally, also. Good weather and great fishing lie ahead for us. Don't miss out on the early season bite!...... Read More