Fish Report for 5-17-2008
Independence Fish Report

by Bill Roecker
(619) 223-1627
Indy Finds Willing Biters
Independence docked May 17 at Pt. Loma Sportfishing after an eight-day Young's Tackle trip with 31 anglers. Skipper Jeff DeBuys weighed the catch, happy with a good experience.
"It was just about a perfect group," said chartermaster Robin Joo. "We got about 90 per cent of our yellowtail on iron. There were more on the yoyo jig than the surface iron."
The trip produced near-limits of yellowtail, a few tuna, plenty of rockfish and three halibut. The best flattie was an 18-pounder caught by Brian Friesen of Fresno.
"It bit on a blue and white Salas 6X jig," said Brian. "I dropped it right on his head."
"The temperature was just 65 degrees at Alijos," said skipper DeBuys. "The best tuna and honorable mention goes to Keith Wolf of Lancaster, whose 58-pound tuna had its tail removed at the boat by a shark.
"The ocean conditions are looking normal for the winter-spring season, and Cedros is right where we left it last year. The island fishing hasn't changed. Benitos has good sign. We ended with near-limits of yellowtail, and we released about 200. We didn't keep any yellows under 18 pounds at the Rocks. Next month we should see the spring-summer conditions."
Young Kim of Roland heights won first place on the trip for his 48.2-pound yellowfin tuna. He said he hooked it on a mackerel and a 3/0 Flyliner hook. He used 30-pound Blackwater fluorocarbon leader, 40-pound P-Line and 80-pound Berkley Spectra backing on a Daiwa Saltiga 30 T reel and a Calstar 800H rod.
Minsoo Kim of Vancouver, BC won second place for a 46.2-pound Alijos yellowfin and Brian Friesen snatched third place for a Cedros Island yellowtail of 37.4 pounds.
The Independence will return from her next trip May 24.
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