Doug Busey Fish Reports

by Doug Busey

Hello fellow anglers, Hot enough for you? recently it has felt like that country song, It's too hot to fish. But only for those that can't stand the heat I say. Fishing has not been to bad if you know how to fish in 100 degree temps.  We just need to get up at 4 am and fish until noon, then retreat until about 5:30 and fish until the sun goes down. Main thing we need to remember is drink plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated. If you start to feel to relaxed ( light headed ) or a tingling in your arms, hands and legs, or if you stop sweating, you may be on your way to heat stroke. Most important thing of all, beer or cafinated drinks will not keep you hydrated. Water is your only solution. Have fun on the waters and be safe.

Caples Lake: The fishing has been fair to good for average sized rainbows. Shore anglers using powerbait have been most successful. The boaters have been using flashers and 1/2 of a worm 18" behind the blades. The CDFW planted the lake last week. The Caples lake resort is open for launching and boat rental. The EID boat launch and day use facility is open daily. For more information stop by the Caples Lake Resort.

Woods Lake: The campground is open, the fishing has been fair due to the recent plant of 300 lbs of rainbows by the CDFW last week.

Blue Lakes: Open all the way to the upper lake. The fishing has been slow to fair. There has been no fish plants yet this year. All fish are hold overs from last season.

Kinney Reservoir: The lake was planted by CDFW last week with catchable rainbows.

Highland Lakes: Still only open to the cow camp due to last years storms. There are some good camping areas along the roadside in the area. Bring mosquito repellent.

Carson River West Fork California Side: The river has been planted by the South Tahoe PUD and the CDFW recently. Fishing has been good in the early morning or late afternoon hours. Salmon eggs or Powerbait has been most productive. small spinners have worked well in the deeper pools.

Carson River East Fork California Side: the Alpine County Chamber of Commerce has planted the river twice in the last few weeks. Fishing has been very good for those that do not mind a little walk. If you stick to the side of the road, your luck will be as fulfilling. I personally like to use a small Panther Martin spinner in the faster moving water. Powebait or night crawlers have also been productive. The CDFW planted the river a few weeks ago with catchable rainbow trout. For more information stop by the Carson River Resort.

Markleeville Creek: Fishing has been fair to good. Here again you need to get wet and walk the river. making sure as not to trespass on private property. The CDFW planted the river a couple weeks ago with catchable rainbow trout. Mice tails or Powerbait has been most productive.

Silver Creek:  The river has slowed down to a very fishable level. The Alpine County Chamber of Commerce has planted the river recently. The fishing has been fair for those willing to walk the river.

Indian Creek Reservoir: The weeds are getting thick and the water temps have risen. Early morning or late evening bite has been your best bet. The CDFW planted the lake with catchable rainbows. The lake is full of big fish from the plants this year by Alpine County. You just need to learn how to fish in and around the weeds. The weeds hold fish on hot days, you are going to snag in the weeds over and over. But the reward can be a ice 2 to 5 pound rainbow or cutthroat trout.

Topaz Lake: I ventured up last Saturday evening with Tom Blotter from Minden NV. We started trolling at 6:30 pm, got our first hookup at 6:30 and 45 seconds. Fishing turned off with in the hour and a half. Next morning we started at 5:30 am. I caught 2 and Tom caught 7, we were fishing on the south end of the lake. and by the noon hour the heat was to much and the fishing had turned off at 10 am anyway. All fish were in the 16 to 18 inch class.

June Lake Loop Area: Grant Fire Update: A lightning caused fire started Monday between Silver and Grant Lakes west of Hwy. 158 of approx. 400 acres is burning northwest. A portion of the highway is closed but access is still open to all lakes and creeks.

Silver Lake: Lake has receded a bit lately so there's more shore fishing available however, a boat is best to access entire lake. Silver is receiving Big Fish almost every other week now and seeing plenty of quality 2 to 4 pounders and up brought in.Chelsea from Ojai grabbed a 3-8 Rainbow with power bait using a "Barbie Pole" no less.Everett from Murrieta hauled in a 7-11 Bow in a float tube with a fly rod dragging a Matuka. That's the biggest recorded fish caught in The Loop recently.When visiting Silver Lake stop in at the Resort Cafe for the best breakfast around.

Gull Lake: Gull is still producing limits on all methods. Shore fishing is good but like Silver somewhat limited so rent a boat and go get 'em. During July the Marina had logged 24) 3 to 7 pound Rainbows caught. That's just what was recorded. Two loads of Big Fish were dropped in July with more due this month. A 7-8 Bow was landed using power bait and a 6-8 on a pinched crawler by Collin from San Diego. Trollers are doing well with "Tommy Boys" and Needlefish about 30' deep. For now this seems to be the zone the bigger fish are hanging at in Gull.

June Lake: June is still the most easily accessible Loop lake for fishing from shore. Big Fish were put in last week with more on the way this month and Sept. Due to it's depth of up to 120' June is a go to for resident Cutthroats, Rainbows, and an occasional Brown during the summer. Troll 6 to 9 colors lead core using red and gold and red dot frog "Tommies" or red magic and red dot frog Needlefish or any pink and frog pattern Tasmanian. During summer some lure draggers add line to get down to 11 colors mid day.

Grant Lake: Lake level has dropped a couple feet last two weeks but is still over spillway and should stabilize at full or near full level rest of season. Shore fishing is best primarily at Privy Point, The Narrows, and accessible areas of the upper lake. You want to be near Rush Creek inlet to still fish from boats and tubes. Trolling Bloody Rippers, Thomas Buoyants and whatever the guys at the marina suggest are working 6 to 9 colors in mornings and evenings. Try #9 and 11 Rapalas with spin gear closer to surface after sundown. This is when the Browns move in near shore to feed. Big Fish were dropped in last week and more near Labor Day.

Rush Creek: Creek is fishing as well as I can remember for this time of year. Flows hit a peak during mid July and have been tapering off since meaning there is more, safer access. Seeing a good amount of 1 to 4 lb. Rainbows caught on night crawlers and salmon eggs. As always "Tommy Boys" and Panther Martins are working. With a fly rod chuck some dries if you can reach the slower moving water otherwise fish buggers and streamers across and downstream and then work upstream with nymphs, san juan worms, and egg patterns through the deeper pools and undercuts. For more information call 760-648-7756 or stop in and see the guys at Ernies Tackle and Ski Shop.

Good luck on your next fishing adventure, if you have a photo of your catch send it to Hope to see you on the waters. Good fishin' and tight lines.

Good luck on your next fishing adventure. If you have a question. a report in our local fishing area or have a photo of your catch, send it to Hope to see you on the waters. Good fishin' and tight lines.