Upper Owens Fishing Report

Owens River - Section 3 - Upper (above Crowley) - Eastern Sierra, CA (Mono County)

Master angler Scott Harada had an epic day on the UO. I guided yesterday and we had one rooster of those grades give us the "proverbial fin".

by Tom Loe

The cutty’s are here, the cutty’s are here! As predicted, they have moved up a few weeks early this year. Flows have dropped to normal levels, although the water remains a shade or two off color.  Access roads remain a mess due to fresh snow, mud, and large puddles in the two track ruts.  It gets tricky for access after the ground thaws in some sections. The bite will begin to pick up after the next series of winter storms slashes through the region.  There are some husky spring rainbows also showing up. Numbers will steadily increase through early April-peak around the general trout opener, with migratory fish hanging around through most of May. Crystal Eggs, San Juan Worms, #16-18 Assassins (dark and light), #14-16 Crystal Leeches, and #16-20 Copper Tiger Midge, Zebra Midge, and Gillies have been good patterns fished with plenty of weight below an Under-Cator.

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