Keswick Reservoir Fish Report for 8-23-2018
Strip Leeches & Buggers on a Full Sink at Keswick Reservoir
Keswick Reservoir - Redding, CA (Shasta County)
by The Fly Shop
Report: We have not heard anything as of recent but it should be fishing good. You can expect a standard summer day! Look for damsel flies and water boatmen, as well as calibaetis and midges. Summer also means terrestrials, so have a good selection of hoppers, ants, and beetles. Also, you can expect to catch fish subsurface on woolly buggers, balance leeches, and nymphs.
Fish going over 20" happen! Releases out of Shasta Dam have been stable. Good place to hire a guide though. Finding these fish requires some special knowledge and a boat.
Indicator suspended Birds Nests, Midges, PT Nymphs should work along the edges of the fast water near the Dam. Suspend your flies about 2-3 feet below the indicator. These fish like to come up to the fly. Fish the shallow edges. Stay low!! You will need a motorized boat to get to where the good fishing exists.
Hot Flies:
Dry Flies:
Mercer's Missing Link #16-18, Adams #14-16, Mercer's Parachute Profile Spinners #16
Nymphs/Wet Flies:
Bubbleback Caddis - #14, Mercer's Glo-Bubble Caddis - Tan #14, Chromie - #16-18, Mercer's Gidget, GB San Juan Worm - #12, Mercer's Biot Epoxy Golden Stones - #8-12, Chironomid Bomber - Any color #12, Mercer's CB Micro Mayfly - Brown #16-18, Pats Rubberlegs - Brown #6-8, CB Birds Nest - #10-14
Streamers & Leeches:
Crystal Buggers, Freshwater Clousers - #6, Zonkers - Natural #4, BH Halebopp Leech - Olive/Dark Olive #8
More Reports
The Fly Shop Reports
for Thursday, August 23rd, 2018Hat Creek: Early Mornings & Evenings Are Best on Hat Creek
Fall River: Fall River Is Pumping Out Big Numbers of Fish
Klamath River - Lower: Steelhead Are Hitting on the Klamath
Battle Creek - South Fork: Battle Creek Is Good -- But Watch the Water Temps
McCloud River: The McCloud is Still Getting Action
Pit River: The Pit Is Fishing Good, Despite Warmer Temps
Trinity River - Upper: More Activity from Salmon on the Trinity
Sacramento River - Red Bluff: Fish the Upper Sac Above Castella
Baum Lake: The Callibaetis Work Well at Baum Lake
Iron Canyon Reservoir: Standard Summer Day Sums Up Iron Canyon Reservoir
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