Lake Sabrina Boat Landing Report.

Lake Sabrina - Bishop, CA (Inyo County)

by Rick, Patti, Juanita and Jerrod

 September is definitely a month of change – cool weather and rain early last week, then mid 70s temps over the weekend and Monday.  Come Tuesday, we will start to cool down – quick – with gusty winds moving in and very low humidity levels. FIRE WEATHER WATCH IN EFFECT INTO WEDNESDAY. Winds - Southwest 15 to 25 mph with gusts 35 to 40 mph. Localized gusts up to 50 mph, but NO snow in the forecast ye.
The leaves across from the Café are changing to gold and some reds – with the cooler temps coming in, it’s gonna get yellow quick! We had our first tour bus in the parking lot last Wednesday – the fun and games are about to begin!
Hate to say it, but catching is still on the slow side. Intake 2 is about 5-1/2 feet down as Edison is doing some much needed spillway repair which is expected to take about 2 weeks. Not much has changed on where to fish - the Inlets are still your best bet (as there’s cool water coming in and it’s bringing in food).  NightCrawlers are still your best bet with Salmon Eggs and PowerBait close behind.  Some fisherpeople are having some luck on the far end of the dam and others are having luck using mini-jigs.
It took Robin Norton a long time to get back to Lake Sabrina to catch another fish, but she did it this trip on a NightCrawler.  Andrew and daughter Banu (not sure if I got the spelling right – couldn’t read my employee’s writing – lol) Bartholomew caught a good number of fish on Mini-Jigs and NightCrawlers.
We now have two Osprey and boy, did they put on a show out in front of the Café before we opened one morning – quite a site.  The Eagles are still entertaining boater and hikers in the back part of the Lake.  We’ve also got a good crop of Red Delicious and Yellow Delicious Apples although we did get a bit little brusing from all the hail in July – please don’t pick – they’re not right yet!
So like I wrote earlier – it’s going to get a bit breezy (maybe even downright windy) over the next few days.  Tuesday will be in the upper 60s and mid 30s, while Wednesday is looking to be in the upper 50s and mid 30s and really really breezy.  Thursday, we’re in the low 60s and mid 30s.  Friday the day is a bit warmer in the mid 60s, but night temps drop to the upper 20s.  The weekend temps should be in the upper 60s and very from the upper 20s to low 30s.  Don’t forget your shorts if you plan on visiting Bishop – might as well pack your whole closet!  You can check out the forecast for the week at (enter Aspendell, CA in the search and scroll down to see the temps).
We’ve had quite a few questions in regards to Fall Colors. Here is a letter our Bishop Chamber of Commerce has shared with us regarding the changing colors of the leaves:
Dear Fall Color Leaf Peeper:
              This is a response to your inquiry about when do fall colors happen?
              This is tough to predict on any given year.  Much is dependent on how low temperatures go down up in the high country.  Aspens have a biological clock geared toward day length  and nighttime temperature.  Typically with the weather getting warmer, it seems that fall colors in the high country now begin in early September, maybe a bit earlier.  Generally, the first week or two of October is a good bet to come up for the high country colors but there are no guarantees with nature.
             Typically, the trees will lose their leaves in later October as color comes down into the valley extending the fall colors season into November.  But an Indian Summer can extend high country foliage longer.  Wind plays a role as well in how fast the leaves come down.
             Attached is a link to our fall colors guide which will be quite helpful to answering your questions:

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