A Kiyohara Spectacular

by Bill Roecker
(619) 223-5414

"It was another Kiyohara spectacular," joked American Angler skipper Brian Kiyohara at the Pt. Loma Sportfishing scales August 8. He had just finished up a five-day trip with 24 anglers. Yellowtail fishing was good for his anglers, as it has been for most of the summer.

Regular angler Bob Chapman of Newport Beach won first place for a 41.2-pound mossback he got with a sardine on a 4/0 Mustad hook. He said he fished with 40-pound Ande line, an Avet LX reel and a Calstar 700 H rod.

"I was luck," said Bob. "I tried a bait when the jig fishing got slow. I got bit right away by the big one."

Dan Spiegel of Venice won second place for his 37.8-pounder, and Joe Ferris of Carlsbad took third place for a 33.4-pound yellowtail.

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