Coral Sea Fish Report for 11-6-2018
Beautiful day, great fishing!!

by Jamie Diamond
(805) 886-0454
Hello everybody the Coral Sea is heading in from a really nice day over at the islands. Weather was beautiful all day for both our crossings and fishing time.
We started in the deeper water but found unmanageable fishing conditions due to strong current so we tucked in close to the islands and had some really fun shallow water fishing. We caught all sorts of rockfish and ocean whitefish with other species included as well as a nice yellowtail.
After some time in shallow we checked the deeper water again and found conditions much better and had a few nice day ending drifts on bigger rockfish. We ended the day for our 20 anglers with limits of 200 rockfish, 88 ocean whitefish, 2 sheepshead, 13 Lingcod and 1 Yellowtail.
The Coral Sea has one spot available for tomorrow and has super light loads for Thursday & Friday 1/2 day trips. Book your spots now on our website or call the Sealanding at (805)963-3564.
If you would like to go fishing with us please BOOK ONLINE or call (805) 963-3564 to get in on the action

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