Coral Sea Fish Report for 11-17-2018
Capt Merit Puts Charter on the fish!

by Jamie Diamond
(805) 886-0454
11/17/18 Coral Sea private charter
Capt. Merit here filling in.
Patrick Wang and crew loaded up on rockfish, ocean whitefish and sheephead today, in beautiful flat calm conditions at Santa Cruz Island.
We started our fishing day stopping a bit short of our target sheephead and whitefish zone, dropping in deeper water -- 320 feet or so. Coppers came up pretty steadily, so we made a few floats. With a good start on our day, we continued on our way to some shallower water, 85 to 100 feet. There the bite was on too.
All 23 anglers had full limits of rockfish, about half of which a were coppers and reds. They also sacked 156 whitefish, 21 nice sheephead with several double digit models, 10 lings, and a cabezon. (I saw a ling lunge out of the water after a copper he followed up, he bit it and we got him!)
We are 3/4 day fishing Monday-Wednesday, 1/2 day Friday then 3/4 day Saturday-Wednesday. Book online or call the Sea Landing 805-963-3564
If you would like to go fishing with us please BOOK ONLINE or call (805) 963-3564 to get in on the action

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