Truckee River Fish Report for 2-11-2019
Fishing is Usually Pretty Good with the Higher Flows.
Truckee River

by Matt Koles
(775) 351-6665
Digging out.
Sorry for the delayed post. This is the first time I’ve been able to log into my site. It’s still slow as F, but hopefully it gets fixed this week. You can always keep up on my Instagram.
Big, big snows, kinda 2010-2011, around here right now. Big cold GOA lows coming down and hammering us. We have well over 6 feet of snow here in the Hirsch. It’s deep deep up top. It’s cold too. -9 here this morning. Almost sick of winter now.
Good luck finding anywhere to park if you fish up here in Ca. Nevada is a way better option as there’s little to no snow at all. Hoofing it down to the river won’t be easy until that snow gets packed down.
I’ve been still in Nevada floating and mostly streamer fishing. Kinda ok is all. If the water would warm up a bit things would be much better on that front. Nymphing has been good down there. Probably will this week with the warm storm for Wed. Who knows how high the river will get, but I imagine all this snow will suck up a lot of the rain. Check the gauges for flows. Fishing is usually pretty good with the higher flows.
So hopefully I can fix the glitches in the system here and back to reports on a regular basis. If you don’t here from me, I’ll be at Pleasanton for the fly show end of this month.
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