Lake Skinner Fish Report for 3-18-2019
Fishing Report for March 18
Lake Skinner - Temecula, CA (Riverside County)

by Lake Skinner Marina Staff
(951) 926-8515
The water temperature is 58 degrees, water level is down approximately 10 feet Toal. Fishing report very similar to last week.
Striper: Medium action, anglers catching a few fish over at ramp 2 and at the inlet/dam area, where they sock Trout. Various types of bait have been used here are a few: using cut mackerels, shad, tout swim baits, spooked and chicken livers.
Blue Gill: Medium action, Blue Gills are over off the points by shaven rock, caught on meal worms, crappie jigs, and night crawlers.
Catfish: Low action, slow for cats, caught using night crawlers over along the buoy line.
Large Mouth: High action, try swim baits, purple and green robe worms and night crawlers have been doing extremely well, over in around ramp 2.
Trout: Next planting of Trout will be on 3/27/19 over at ramp 2. Trout are hitting on power baits, tube jigs and power worms. Also try mice tails.
Carp: No action.
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Lake Skinner
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Catching Strippers Over at Ramp 2 and at the Inlet/Dam Area
Lake SkinnerThe water temp. Is 50-53 degrees. Fishing report very similar to last week. Stripper: Medium Action: Anglers catching over at Ramp 2 and at the inlet/dam area, where they stock Trout. Various types of bait have been used and here are a few: using cut mackerels, sand, trout, swimbaits, spooks and chicken livers, top water lures and jigs. Bluegill: Low Action: Bluegills are over off the points by shaven rock, on meal worms, and nightcrawler. Catfish: Low Action: Try swim...... Read More

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