Fish Report for 3-24-2019
Trouts Are Close to The Banks Out of Current

by Matt Koles
(775) 351-6665
Winter’s returned.
Hard to stomach these last few days when you look at the calendar and it’s suppose to be spring, especially after the winter we’ve had. More snow on the way this week, geez.
Oh well, life could be worse, and we could bitching about having no water at all. Get used to the Truckee River being big and gnarly into summer.
There are fish to be caught. You just have to find some soft water. You can find that soft water all up and down the river if you know what to look for. Like I say, it might take a few trips of exploring and paying your dues. Or, if you’re smart, you hire yours truly, and bridge the gap.
Give ‘em something meaty, and don’t wade up to your balls. Trouts are close to the banks out of current. Streamer fishing and tight line nymphing are my go to. Streamer fishing should be on the top of your list. If you’re not that good at streamer fishing. get in on a clinic. I’ll have some more this spring. Wanna get a true trophy, this is the time, not in August when it’s 100 degrees out and those fish are on a siesta. Don’t expect a lot right now. Be happy with a few good fish a day.
The whole California side is fishing good, Nevada side too. Yes, I said good. Clarity is really good too. Had a good trip through the Nature Conservancy in Nevada the other day. Been a tough go for me the last few months down there. The water is much warmer down there now and the fish have woke up. It was a cold winter up here.
Be safe out there and buckle up for the long haul of high water.
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