The Trout Bite is Excellent

Wohlford Lake - Escondido, CA (San Diego County)

Photo from February 8, 2016
Photo Credit: Courtesy of Lake Wohlford Staff

by Wohlford Lake Staff
(760) 839-4346

The trout bite is excellent. We just received the first of three consecutive weekly plants, the second is just four days off. They are catching fish in Boat Dock Cove, along Senior Shoreline, and on the east end of the lake. Big fish of the week belonged to Raul Galan of Encinitas and weighed 9.50#s. Mr. Galan caught his fish in Boat Dock Cove using rainbow powerbait. Powerbait dipped in garlic scent or inflated night-crawlers are the top baits.

The bass bite remains sluggish. Largemouth Bass can be found around structure and respond well to crawdads, frog poppers, and dark colored plastics.

The crappie have yet to move in, but, with spring knocking on the door, the spawn is probably not far off.

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