Trophy Browns on Shasta Lake

Shasta Lake - Shasta Lake, CA (Shasta County)

Photo Credit: Scott Caldwell

by Scott Caldwell

3/25/19 - Shasta Lake gave up a real Brown Trophy today for Carpinteria High Alum class of 81 Thomas Cappiello, 32 inches and 10 plus that really makes up for the crappy cold wind and rain Mother nature fed us all day!!

If you have to catch one fish this was the one. Trolling in crazy wind an rain is not much fun but sometimes that is what you have to do catch big Browns like this. The surface is stirred up, visibility is low, surface water temps are low and boom all the makings for a  Big Brown Trout.

Trolling for these elusive Hogs is addicting and when you get one like this it makes you want more but often that does not happen, that was our only Hog yesterday.  We covered a lot of water during the course of our adventure which you have to do on lake like Shasta. Big huge 6 to 12 inch Trout plug trolled fast don't often catch small fish but it sure is fun when you do get something that can swallow a plug that size.

She was a drag ripped girl shaking her head making the clicker sing and your heart beat fast. You can tell she was a big one even from a 100 yards back. Then as she neared the net we could see for the first time your our Trophy. Now we got really nervous and hoped she stayed hooked as we then net in water and she shook her head. Adrenaline rush full steam ahead and into the net she went. A few quick photos and back into water she went. 

Yup well worth the crazy weather and hours on water. That is why we keep doing it  so if your into to hunting for the big one give me a call it is that time of year.

Give me a call at 530 905 0758 or book online at

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