Tasty Trout at Lake Siskyou

Siskiyou Lake - Mount Shatsa, CA (Siskiyou County)

Photo Credit: Scott Caldwell

by Scott Caldwell

4/24 -25/19 - Brown meat Rainbow meat  very very good to eat! Lake Siskiyou is kicking out some tasty trout, but it is an early morning affair right now, once the Sun is up and on the water the bite shuts down.

A lot of cold snow melt water is coming into lake right bringing the lake level up and cooling off the surface temp again. Getting put at first light is a must. All methods of fishing can produce and bring the kitchen sink mot anyone thing as been working the best the last couple days. 

The weather is finally awesome and the fishing improve as water conditions stabilize.

 Give me a call or book online at Caldwellfishing.com

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