Riviera Marina Fishing Report

Our local angler  Dylan Hetrick landed a 29.32 pound striper at 44 and 1/2 inches. He was fishing fro his boat and throwing his favorite hard bait. this is a super nice fish and we should be getting them moving up river soon.
Photo Credit: Courtesy of Riviera Marina

by Rusty

We are having some super fishing going on below the Davis Dam along the Colorado River. I have been getting reports that near the Davis Dam and along the casino row that the striped bass action is picking up.

The Community Park area is a great spot to fish and will produce stripers now and again but it is a super spot for rainbow trout. This park has some nice shore line and some great views of the Colorado river. A nice off-the path spot, is the Sunshine Peninsula. This area has some great shore line for the bay or while fishing the current.

The rotary park area has been giving up a few rainbows but not much striper action.

The marsh is mostly fishing largemouth bass and some channel cats. Your best bet for this area is spinner baits in a white or green while the cats seem to like chicken livers and anchovies the best.

Hopes this helps some for now and we will see you in soon to share that story and catch. A great reminder we are getting closer to our striper derby and we have 500 for 1st in the heaviest fish bracket 300 for second place. Our raffle is going to be super with some great prizes in this give away.  We are encouraging the public to come on out join in the fun take a chance to meet and great some of our visiting and local anglers and try you luck and get in the raffle we hope to see you there and thanks.

Thanks For your Support,
Rusty Riviera Marina
520 Riviera Blvd.
Bullhead City AZ

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