Mudsucker Bag Limits?

Photo Credit: Courtesy of CDFW

by California Department of Fish & Wildlife

Question: I like to catch mudsuckers for eating but can’t figure out if they have a bag limit. I’ve met one or two people telling me there is a bag limit but the regulations book does not state anything. Can you please let me know? (Truong An)

Answer: While some species have fishing regulations that pertain only to them (for example, rockfish and salmon), some species do not. Marine fish species for which there are no specific regulations, such as longjaw mudsuckers, are covered under the California Code of Regulations Title 14, section 27.60 (see page 33 of the current Ocean Sport Fishing regulations booklet). The daily bag limit for species covered by subsection 27.60(a) is 10 fish of any one species, with a total daily bag limit of 20 fish. This means you can take up to 10 longjaw mudsuckers and 10 other fish as well, per day, for a total of 20 fish.

Fish that fall under section 27.60 have no closed fishing seasons (open year-round) or size limits. You can find regulations that pertain to longjaw mudsuckers by using the table at the back of the regulations booklet (page 103).

Regulation booklets are available wherever sport fishing licenses are sold, at your local CDFW office and online.

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