Good Shore Fishing Going On

Colorado River - Davis Dam - Davis Dam, NV

Photo Credit: Courtesy of Riviera Marina

by Rusty

We are having some good shore and boat fishing here along the Colorado river below the Davis dam. Our local and visiting anglers are having the best success targeting the stripped bass. For the most part the stripers are ranging in size in the 1 to 4 pound range. Our very own local anglers Tom Gallant and his fishing buddy Jerry Tomlinson were fishing below the dam drifting and using anchovies to land a couple of stripers. They had to come in and show off a bit.

A little further down river in the upper big bend area Ray Camargo was fishing on the Nevada side to land a couple of stripers and again anchovies proved to work well. There are other choices of bait anglers may try which may include shrimp, squid, mackerel, sardines, or live bait. These might work and I am sure they have. Our local angler Mike Merritt shows anchovies produce. He is seen here showing a nice stringer of stripers he landed while fishing off of his personnel water craft in the big bend area. These small boats make great fishing craft and can be used for fishing extrusions as they handle well and can get the angler where they want to be to catch  fish.

 I am adding one of our anglers from our latest fishing derby Jeff Lovett with the stripers he landed while fishing form shore and using anchovies. I will get more into some of the lures and other techniques that seem to prove successful here along the river as we go along.

Our trout bite has slowed a bunch. We are still getting some stocking but the fish that are brought in now are mostly on the smaller side to combat  our caddis fly issue. The rainbow trout are eating the larvae and the caddis fly. Also the slow down it seems as our warmer weather is having the trout seek cooler water and avoiding the sun. So for you catch and release anglers its early morning and use a barbless hook or smash that barb keep your line tight and when ready slack the line and the fish will flip itself off.

Up on Lake Mohave the striper bite has yet to start while the large mouth bass and the small mouth bass are being active with various plastics and some crank baits working.

The Topock marsh is producing some channel cats mostly in the 2 to 4 pound range with chicken livers working well.

Hope this helps for now and we will see you in soon to share that catch. a big thanks for all of your support we will see you in soon

 Now Go Catch A Fish  Rusty Riviera Marina 520 Riviera Blvd. Bullhead City Az. 928-763-8550

Thanks For your Support,
Rusty Riviera Marina
520 Riviera Blvd.
Bullhead City AZ

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