Crowley Lake Fish Report for 6-24-2019
Crowley Lake Fishing Report
Crowley Lake - Mammoth Lakes, CA (Mono County)
by Doug Rodricks
(760) 935-4250
The slow period required a lot of looking around and plying different water depths to locate solid concentrations of fish. We are happy to report that the first wave of the trout migration from deep to shallow water is now taking place. The damselfly nymphs are showing in greater numbers daily and the weed lines are becoming well established as the water level rises. Our assassin patterns are getting a lot of attention now hung over the weeds or along the edges as they imitate these little buggers. Some really nice rainbows and browns are being taken lately along with a solid mix of smaller and medium rainbows and browns. Not too many cutthroat yet, but they are just around the corner as the damselfly hatch and the soon-to-show callibaetis hatch will have all fish cruising the submerged weed beds in search of high protein. We still have some available dates left for the month and our fleet is ready to get you onto the fish. Top patterns: #16 Parallel Assassin Dark and Light, #18 Assassin Dark and Light, #16 and #18 FlashBack Pheasant Tail Tungsten Black Head, #18 Crystal Copper Chironomid Emerger, #18 Crystal Chironomid Emerger Black, #16 and #18 Crystal Copper Tiger Midge, #14 and #16 Broken Back Copper Tiger Midge.
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