Wohlford Lake Fishing Report

Wohlford Lake - Escondido, CA (San Diego County)

Photo Credit: Courtesy of Wohlford Lake Staff

by Wohlford Lake Staff
(760) 839-4346

Largemouth Bass can be found lurking around structure. Anthony Umhra of Vista caught & released a 10.60# bass using swimbait off senior shoreline. The bass are hitting crawdads, swimbaits, and dark colored plastics.

Catfish are due to be planted just prior to Independence Day. Lake Wohlford cats like cut mackerel or chicken liver, as well as dough-bait. Stop by the ranger station for a dough-bait recipe that works well for both catfish and carp.

The crappie fishing remains productive especially on overcast mornings. They are being caught using shiners and a variety of mini-jigs, white ones in particular. They are biting near Crappie Rock and Bass Point.

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Wohlford Lake
The bass are in shallow water in various stages of the spawn and are being caught on crankbaits, crawdads, and dark colored plastics. Catfish can be found throughout the lake, but the bite is best at the buoy lines. They like cut mackerel or chicken liver, as well as dough-bait. Stop by the ranger station for a dough-bait recipe that works well on both catfish and carp. Double digit crappie stringers are being reported from several boaters this week. They are being...... Read More

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Wohlford Lake

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