Winner Gets His Best

by Bill Roecker
(619) 224-3857

"He just took off when he bit," said Tony Kaleikilo of Ventura at the H&M Landing scales, "and it seemed like he went a quarter of a mile before he slowed down; I was about to get spooled. Oh, yeah, he's my best fish ever."

Tony's yellowfin, caught aboard Red Rooster III with skipper Andy Cates, weighed 95 pounds even; a big fish for light line. Cates hung it on the scales September 28, after the five-day Arnie Cohen charter with 27 anglers.

Kaleikilo's yellowfin took a sardine on a 3/0 Super Mutu hook, tied to 30-pound Ande line and 80-pound Izor Spectra. He said he fished with a Penn Torque 3/0 reel and a Truline six-foot rod.

Ewell "Butch" Frazier of Long Beach won second place for a 53.7-pound tuna, and Eric Rojas of Northridge took third place for a 51.8-pound Guadalupe Island yellowfin tuna.

"We had a couple of lucky kelps," said skipper Cates, "with a lot of 20 to 30-pound tuna. The big ones off the island were hard to come by, but of a very good quality."

Like other skippers in San Diego's long range fleet, Cates is feeling positive about the prospects for a good snap on the larger model tuna at the big island some time in the near future.

Slack Current, Tuna Still Biting

"The beat goes on," read the Royal Polaris report for September 23. "Hello everyone, things at Alijos are looking good....... Read More