Truckee River Fish Report for 7-15-2019
Summer Mode on The Truckee River
Truckee River

by Matt Koles
(775) 351-6665
Nice in the a.m., windy and hot in the afternoons. Good again right before dark. Pretty much like this every summer. Flows are average now, fishing is too.
Best thing to do is tight line nymph the fast pocked water. Fish are all over, spread out. Cover some water and you’ll put some trouts in the net. Like I say this time of year, the folks that can wade and move in the river will get some fish. If it takes us 10 minutes to move from pocket to pocket while I hold your arm, well, those are the slower days fishing wise. This last week was good because everyone was able to do that, move around in the river, and we hooked fish. The Truckee River is the major leagues. It takes skill to not only to catch fish, but to get to the fish. A wading staff will help you, being in shape helps you too. Shitty Cabela’s rubber lug wading boots will not help. Get some Simms vibram soles with studs, or felts. Don’t feel like your manhood is threatened when I offer you a wading staff. It’s a game changer. Anyone can go to Big Horn and fish from a drift boat and catch fish. It’s just not like that here. That being said, summer is great on the Truckee River. It’s fun to pick pocket the river and scramble up and down the banks and wade your ass off through the river. Hook a 18″ inch trout in fast water, and it’s game on, super fun. This is also one of the best tight line nymphing rivers in the West, pocket water galore. If that don’t sound like your cup of tea, or the bum knee is acting up, wait until fall and get on the raft with me in Nevada. We can throw the streamers around, or the bobber, or whatever you want, and there’s cold beers in the Yeti.
So think caddis and more caddis, and crayfish and golden stones for your anchor flies. Fish faster oxygenated water. It’s really not all that hot yet this summer, but hot enough to keep the trouts in the bubbles
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