Shasta Lake Fish Report for 8-12-2019
Fat Shasta Lake Trout
Shasta Lake - Shasta Lake, CA (Shasta County)

by Scott Caldwell
8/11/19 - This is the time of year when Shasta Lake Trout are at fat. Yesterday my clients and I fished hard and landed some very healthy well fed Rainbows. These fish have been gorging themselves on bait balls of shad, that are all over Shasta Lake.
There is so much food in lake that when you find biting fish you better work that area good. The fish are turning off and on, since they have so much there is no urgency to eat all day. The nice thing is Shasta Lake is huge and if your willing to cover water you will find some hungry fish.
We did just that in the main body of lake. Fishing in in 300 to 400 feet of water we found some hungry bows at 90 feet while trolling ProCure Carpspit covered trout plugs at 2.5 to 3.0 mph. These fish were all stuffed full of little shad.
The big fish of day taped out at 22 inches and was a great fighter making a couple nice drag ripping runs. Fishing for these fat pigs in main body channel will continue for the next month or more while the weather stays warm. Then as the weather cools down many of the fish especially the Big Browns will migrate into the river channels.
Checkout this VIDEO from the weekend at McCloud Reservoir. My clients caught and released nearly 100 Trout over the weekend so limits are pretty easy to catch.
I have open dates available in August and the first part of September before I begin fishing Salmon on the Klamath.
Give me a call at 530 905 0758 or book online at
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