Truckee River Fish Report for 9-9-2019
Less Like Summer and More Like Fall
Truckee River

by Matt Koles
(775) 351-6665
Much cooler the last few days. High’s in the 60’s, colder overnight. Not too hot in Reno either. Reno hit 100 degrees for 4 minutes this summer. They had 20 days over 100 the summer before. That all means we can look forward to some good fall fishing from here on out on the Truckee River.
Flows have been bumped down a bit. 500 here in the Hirsch, perfect through Mogul, good out East through the Nature Conservancy.
Just started dropping the boat in out East. Not great yet, but close. This cooler weather will get the water temps down and trouts active. We do a lot of streamer fishing down there. Be prepared to get your ass kicked, either by not getting any grabs, or getting ripped on a fish of a lifetime. Just the way streamer fishing is. This year if you complain that the steamer fishing is slow, I’m cutting off your rig and throwing the bobber on and sending you to the lower Sac. Kidding.
A note on fishing licenses: In California you have to have a printed copy of your license. Not in your phone. Sorry, that’s the rules.
In Nevada you can have a copy of your license saved in your phone. It’s sometimes hard getting a license online in Nevada. Call the number and have someone help you if you have problems. When you show up to the boat ramp at 7 in the morning there’s nothing I can do.
Looks like the clinics on the 5th and 6th of October will be a, tight line clinic, and a steamer clinic/combined. $300, 9-3:00. There will be 4 people max. We’ll have lunch and beers. This will be on the CA side of the river. I will write something up this week. $50 bucks more than the normal clinics, but with all the knowledge combined, and the less people, well worth it, ha ha.
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