Riviera Marina Fishing Report

Photo Credit: Courtesy of Riviera Marina

by Rusty

With our weather getting a bit more tolerable our anglers are having some great outdoor fishing time. community park has some great shoreline. There are some nice fishing holes along this area our local angler Scott Morrison landed a nice trophy fish in the lower community area. His Striper weighed in at 17.84 pounds and was 39 and 1/2 inches I would say this is a little lite for this size fish. They seem to not be feeding as of yet. Scott was using a swim bait to land this stripped bass. our local anglers Ernie calma and son Kayden Calma landed a few striper using anchovies while fishing from Ernie's boat in various spots. I have been hearing that the casion area is also doing well for the stripers. while up on Lake Mohave it ok with your better chances for stripers near the dam and above the power lines. the coves on the Arizona side have been a bit better even the Arizona side telephone cove was dong ok. But last I heard was the water was drawn down so the divers near the Hoover dam could harvest the larva of the razor back sucker fish. Our federal hatchery Willow beach hatchery raises these endangered species. anyway the lake has to be lowered  to accomplish this task. The water level should be up by the first part of November. Not much word from the marsh this time but the fishing should be fair this time of year for large mouth bass and a few channel catfish. Our rainbow trout will be here soon as the hatchery will resume its yearly stocking program so far looks like the 2nd week in October We will keep you posted as we get closer. Hope this helps for now and we will wee you in soon thanks for all for your support.  

Thanks For your Support,
Rusty Riviera Marina
520 Riviera Blvd.
Bullhead City AZ

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Riviera Marina Fishing Report

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Riviera Marina Reports
for Wednesday, September 11th, 2019

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