Fish Report for 11-24-2008
Jack Nilsen
by Bill Roecker
(619) 224-3857
"I'm off the Red Rooster III in Cabo," said Jack Nilsen Sunday afternoon. "We got a couple of really good tuna: one around 350 or more and one right at 300."
"We were on an Accurate eight or 11-day trip with a fly-back option," he continued. "The first four days were tough for us and the rest of the fleet. Plenty of fish but none we were looking for. We were furthest south when we hit the bigger fish.
"Andy found ???em, called fleet in. "The Star was very close to us, just a little ways off. The big one was hand-off for Judy Montague from San Diego area by another angler, so it's not in the jackpot or eligible for a new Accurate reel.
"She fought it the normal way???did a nice job," said Jack, "without any undue assistance from the crew. Judy has fished with us before, and this tuna came on an Accurate ATD 30 on Blackwater 100-pound hollow Spectra, and 130 Blackwater flourocarbon shock leader. The rod was a Calstar 6465 XXH, and it bit on a mackerel on an Owner Gorilla 6/0 hook.
"Her fish is the best yellowfin tuna caught so far on an Accurate 30," said Jack. "It was a pretty damn nice trip, as it all turned out."
Fishing Videos Reports
for Sunday, October 26th, 2008: Excel Tries Island, Ridge
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