Metolius River Fish Report for 11-26-2019
Central Oregon fishing (or not)
Metolius River - Metolius Springs, OR (Jefferson County)

by The Fly Fishers Place
Well, the weather moved in on us pretty hard today, it is snowing and blowing outside of the shop here in Downtown Sisters, OR.
Just had a customer in from the Metolius, he said it was beautiful and quiet out there with the new snow, and that he caught a few rainbows but no Bulls.
So, the forecast for the next 2 days is snowy, and for the next 4 days is cold to very cold.
Wed 11/27 Hi/Low 29/19
Thurs 11/28 Thanksgiving 26/12
Friday 27/6 (brrrr)
Sat 26/16
Sunday looks better as it gets above freezing again and after that fishing weather looks more inviting to me as it gets in the higher 30’s and 40’s with nighttime lows not so stinking frigid.
I believe the Metolius and Fall will hold up well as they are spring fed, but the Crooked and Deschutes will not fish well and may even ice up a bit throughout these next few days….
So, how hardy are ya? And if so, see you on the Spring Creeks!
More Reports
The Fly Fishers Place Reports
for Friday, November 22nd, 2019
Fall River: Fall River Fishing Report
Metolius River: Metolius River Fishing Report
Crooked River: Crooked River Fishing Report
Deschutes River- Lower: Lower Deschutes River Fishing Report
The Fly Fishers Place Reports
for Friday, November 1st, 2019
Fall River: The Fall River is Fishing Awesome
Metolius River: Dry Fly Action Has Been Really Impressive
Crooked River: Nymphing Has Been Productive
Deschutes River- Lower: Water Temps Have Plummeted into The 40's

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