Wohlford Lake Fishing Report

Wohlford Lake - Escondido, CA (San Diego County)

by Wohlford Lake Staff
(760) 839-4346

Catfish are being caught at the West Buoys and in Oakvale Cove. Tony Flores of Escondido caught a 17.00# catfish at the West Buoy Line using cut mackerel. Drop by the ranger station to pick up a dough-bait recipe that works well for both catfish and carp.

Largemouth Bass can be found around structure. Bass respond well to crawdads, frogs, and dark colored plastics.

The new crappie float that has become the place to be for catching crappie. Jesse Tran caught a 1.40# crappie there using a crappie jig to move into the contest lead for December. Crappie are most often caught on finger jigs or live golden shiners.

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Wohlford Lake Fishing Report
Wohlford Lake
Catfish are being caught at the West Buoys and in Oakvale Cove. Drop by the ranger station to pick up a dough-bait recipe that works well for both catfish and carp. Largemouth Bass can be found around structure. Bass respond well to crawdads, frogs, and dark colored plastics. A new crappie float that has been installed in the cove adjacent to the South Shore Rock Pile. Crappie are most often caught on finger jigs or live golden shiners. ...... Read More

Wohlford Lake Fishing Report
Wohlford Lake
Catfish are active at the West Buoys, in Oakvale Cove, and along Senior Shoreline. Drop by the ranger station to pick up a dough-bait recipe that works well for both catfish and carp. Largemouth Bass can be found around structure. Bass respond well to crawdads, frogs, and dark colored plastics. The new crappie float that was installed in the cove adjacent to the South Shore Rock Pile is delivering some solid returns in the form of stringers of the popular and delectable...... Read More