Fish Report for 1-14-2020
Fishing/Snow Conditions 1/14/20

by Doug Rodricks
(760) 935-4250
A dry spell of wet weather the last week for the high country has left access to all open rivers and creeks wide open. We have been taking advantage of the great fishing and easy access on all of our winter fisheries. Some winter weather in the forecast ahead should freshen things up. Fishing continues to be great on the Upper Owens, Lower Owens, and Hot Creek. The Upper O has some big rainbows all up and down the river with no snow on the ground at this time. Drive in access is still clear. The Lower Owens has been good with smaller streamers with the clear water. The BWO hatch is not quite prolific just yet, but the coming weeks should yield some bigger concentrations for the trout to feed on. Hot Creek is great for dry fly fishing and egg patterns or smaller nymphs fished sub-surface. You can have an all day bite here with the right bugs! The East Walker River has fish in the deep spots, and the fishing pressure has been very light here.
Lower Owens River/Wild Trout Section (Bishop Area)
The flows continue to be stable down here and the water is crystal clear, or as clear as this river gets. The last few days had the fish relocating to the softest water in shallow and sandy banks. It made for a tough bite and some spooky trout, but they have since resettled in their normal winter holds. Smaller streamer patterns with minimal flash have been working best on the bright and sunny days, then switching to dark colors on cloudy days has been the key. Lots of fish have been holding tight to the bottom, so getting those flies down makes all the difference. We have been enjoying some windless days of 50 degree weather and not seeing another angler on most days!
Hot Creek
Be stealthy and make sure there is zero drag on those dry flies. It’s an all day midge hatch in small sizes. Get the perfect drift without any drag on it and you will be rewarded. Egg patterns fished along the bottom in the deep transitions are getting grabs. Remember to set those hooks in the direction that your indicator is traveling for a solid hook set. Some of the larger rainbows are on the look out for eggs that drift in front of their faces. Match the hatch as best as possible with micro dry fly patterns. Find the right one and its game on with some challenging dry fly fishing.
Best Flies: Flashback PT’s #16-#20, Tricos Spinners #20-22, SD Crawlers in Red #14, Copper Tiger Midges #18-20, and #18 Assassin Dark, Tangerine Opaque, Kiwi Flash, and Apricot Flash Otter Eggs have been excellent.
Upper Owens River
We have still seen more than one vehicle stuck in the snow and mud here on occasion. The snow is gone here, but still a bit patchy in places. It has gotten muddy now with the melt, so take caution on where you drive. Straying off the driven paths is not recommended, and getting out of your vehicle and surveying the area may save you from getting stuck. The usual winter spots are holding some really nice rainbows right now, and the fish keep moving into the river. We have snow in the forecast again, so you can bet on some more fish moving up river and filling up some of the holes. Cover all areas of the river to get into these fish consistently and make sure your drift is perfect. Mixing it up with your fly selection can keep you on the fish. Getting the right drift in the right spot is still king, so leave no stone unturned!
Best Flies: Stimulator – 12, 14, 16; Crystal Copper Tiger Midge – 16,18; B100FB – 14, 16, 18, 20; Spruce a bu dark and light; Loeberg Mallard Silver; Loeberg Guinea Silver, Crystal Midge Pupa Black – 18; Crystal Chironomid Emerger Copper – 16, 18; Broken Back Copper Tiger Midge – 14,16,18, Kiwi Flash and Flamingo Otter Eggs.
East Walker River
There has not been much pressure here this month at all. The fishing is good if you can get into the right pools and throw the right bugs. The fish are definitely opportunistic this time of year, and as they lay corralled up in big numbers they remain very competitive. Work the main pools and you could be rewarded with some monster fish!
Best Flies: B100FB – 18, 20; Crystal Copper Tiger Midge -16; Crystal Zebra Midge – 16, 18; Punk Perch Light and Dark – 14, 16; Parallel Punk Perch Light and Dark; Crystal Leech – 12, 14, 16; Agent Orange 12, 14, 16; Parallel Agent Orange – 14, Spruce-a-bu Dark and Light, Eggs: Tangerine Red Flash, Dead Egg, Tangerine Opaque, Flamingo.
More Reports
Sierra Drifters Reports
for Tuesday, January 14th, 2020
East Walker River (CA): East Walker River Report
Owens River - Section 3 - Upper (above Crowley): Upper Owens River Fishing Report
Hot Creek: Hot Creek Fishing Report
Owens River - Lower: Lower Owens River Fishing Report
Sierra Drifters Reports
for Sunday, January 5th, 2020
Hot Creek: Hot Creek Fishing Report
Owens River - Section 3 - Upper (above Crowley): Upper Owens River Fishing Report
East Walker River (CA): East Walker River Fishing Report

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