Owens River - Section 3 - Upper (above Crowley) Fish Report for 1-29-2020
Nothing But Amazing Fishing Here
Owens River - Section 3 - Upper (above Crowley) - Eastern Sierra, CA (Mono County)

by Doug Rodricks
(760) 935-4250
Nothing but amazing fishing here. The fish are all over the river from top to bottom. If you aren’t connecting with the big rainbows here on a daily basis, you are doing something wrong. More fish will continue to move up river as the month of February comes in. It’s turning out to be a drought month ahead so the river banks are dry, well almost. All the snow is now melted and has puddled up all over the river. It becomes a mud bog out here by late morning and it is very slick and mucky. If you drive in without 4 wheel drive, choose your path carefully as you can get stuck in the mud. Take caution when driving through the big puddles too. The deep pools and undercut banks all have fish in them. Egg patterns, leeches, Pheasant Tails, Assassins, and SJ Worms have been hooking some great fish.
Best Flies: Stimulator – 12, 14, 16; Crystal Copper Tiger Midge – 16,18; B100FB – 14, 16, 18, 20; Spruce a bu dark and light; Loeberg Mallard Silver; Loeberg Guinea Silver, Crystal Midge Pupa Black – 18; Crystal Chironomid Emerger Copper – 16, 18; Broken Back Copper Tiger Midge – 14,16,18, Kiwi Flash and Flamingo Otter Eggs.
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: Sierra Drifters Fishing/Snow Conditions

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