Yakima River Fish Report for 2-9-2020
Yakima River Report
Yakima River
by Orvis Company
Water flow: 8000@ Umtanum
Visibility: 1 inches
Water temperature at mid-day: 37 Degrees F
Water condition: Muddy
Best time of day to fish: Seasonally dependant
Best stretch: Depending on flows, both the Upper and Lower Yakima have great stretches - most well-known is between Easton and Roza Dam.
Best access point: The Upper Yakima has easy access along I-90, between Easton and Cle Elum. Between Cle Elum and Ellensburg, there are multiple launch points for boats. There is accessible wading, depending on flows, from the BLM campgrounds in the Lower Canyon.
Fly fishing hatches in order of importance:
January - February: midges, small winter stoneflies, mayflies March - May: skwala stones, golden stones, caddis, mayflies June - August: short-wing stoneflies, salmonflies, caddis, crane flies, mayflies, terrestrials September - December: October caddis, mayflies, midges
Fish species: Westslope Cutthroat, Wild Rainbows and Whitefish
Fishing season: Year-round; seasonal hatches make for great spring, summer, and fall fishing.
Nearest airport: Seattle Tacoma International Airport
Recommended fly fishing leader: 9 Foot Leader
Recommended fly fishing tippet: 3X Tippet
Best fly fishing rod: 9' 5 Weight Fly Rod
Best floating fly line: WF Trout Fly Line
Best sinking fly line: Bank Shot Sink Tip Fly Line
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