Colorado River - Davis Dam Fish Report for 2-12-2020
17 Lb. Striper
Colorado River - Davis Dam - Davis Dam, NV

by Rusty
We are still having a few anglers getting some stripers here along the Colorado river below the Davis Dam. From the reports I have been hearing about its in the casino area that has been producing the best. So far I would say from the bridge to just below Community park is a great area for both stripers and our rainbow trout. Our visiting angler form Torrance California Alex Berlin was fishing in our community park area and landed this nice size striper. He was fishing with a soft swim bait a Huddleston for those that know this brand. For those that don’t it’s a expensive lure in a trout pattern. Alex's striper weighed in at 17.36 pounds and was 37 inches. Trout are still being landed in both of our stoking sites which are now community park and Davis camp. With our weather having been not all that nice its keeping most anglers off the shore line and off the lake.
Up on lake Mohave the bite just hasn’t taken off as of yet. I did hear that the large mouth bass are starting to look for a nesting area or pre spawn this might be a bit early but you might have some luck back in the coves near the shallows. I talked with a couple of anglers that have been fishing the marsh area and we’re having some luck there. They were catching some stripers in the 2 to 4 pound range in the marsh while fishing for catfish. These anglers did not have any luck landing the catfish and were surprised about the stripers.
Hope this helps some for now and we hope to see you in soon to share that catch and story. thanks for all of your support.
Now go catch A Fish Rusty Riviera Marina 520 Riviera Blvd. bullhead City Az. 928-763-8550
Thanks For your Support,
Rusty Riviera Marina
520 Riviera Blvd.
Bullhead City AZ
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