Lake Skinner Fish Report for 3-9-2020
Lake Skinner Fishing Report
Lake Skinner - Temecula, CA (Riverside County)

by Lake Skinner Marina Staff
(951) 926-8515
Striped Bass: The usual tactics are still the most productive. Use chicken liver/anchovie at the inlet or dam area. Another effective method would be trolling a hard bait throughout the lake, especially main lake.
Blue Gill: Mini jigs tipped with a mealworm or nightcrawler are usually most productive. You can also try to fly line a mealworm with light line.
Catfish: Use chicken liver, anchovies, mackerel or nightcrawlers on the bottom throughout the lake but especially near Ramp 2 or the inlet area.
Largemouth Bass: Ika’s and ned rigs have been very effective the last few days. Bass have definitely begun to move up shallow. Creature baits on the bottom always work well.
Trout: Next stock day will be March 18th 2020 . Come out as soon as possible after the stock and throw your favorite mini jig or color of powerbait!
Carp: No action to be reported!
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